12 Days of Christmas

There have been several versions of The 12 Days of Christmas out there, but this one is my new favorite. It is a 1998 performance of an a capella group called "Straight No Chaser" (SNC) from Indiana University. I heard it on the radio yesterday and promised myself to look it up when I got home...I actually remembered, so here it is. (You might need to pause the Playlist in the sidebar.)

Coincidentally, the kids and I went on our annual journey to Belton Lake where they have a display called Nature in Lights. Enjoy the pictures while you listen to SNC sing this untraditional version of an old Christmas standard.

A Partridge in a Pear Tree
Two Turtle DovesThree French HensFour Calling BirdsFive Golden Rings!!!Six Geese A-Laying
Seven Swans A-SwimmingFive Golden Rings
Eleven Maids A-Milking
Nine Ladies Dancing10 Lords A-LeapingEleven Pipers Piping (Sorry for the blurry pic)Twelve Drummers Drumming
It was worth the hour's traffic on a country road to listen to James ooh and ahh over the innumerable light displays.


merryheart2 said…
aww, so glad you and the kids got to see this. my home town, San Angelo, has this same display down my the river. it is really nice!

hope you are having a merry weekend!
Roban said…
I loved the performance! That was pretty cool... and I'm sure the lights were fun to see.

My daughter just sat beside me on the couch and has fallen asleep. One leg draped over mine, which is now falling asleep, too.... Don't you just hate to wake them up (children and legs, I guess) when they've drifted off like that?

Have a good week!
MJ said…
I should take K and N out for a drive to see lights but we don't have such a display of lights like yours in our city! It sounds like a great evening!

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