Change of Plans & Calendar Journal Time

Well, as a family we were all going to use the long weekend to trek down to Texas and rip out carpet and paint walls. Come to find out, Gary doesn't have Monday off so it would make a really bad turn around time. So...we decided to stay home and make plans to go another time. Meanwhile, all I can envision is the money pouring out of my already empty pockets into the mortgage and utilities for a house we aren't using. :-(

Now, I will look for some free activities to do in the city for the Labor Day weekend. I have seen several advertised on tv. I hope the temperature stays cooler than yesterday (102F.)

Yesterday I lazed around the house feeling a little sorry for myself wondering why I don't have a job yet. So I got out my sketchbook and calendar journal and fiddled around. I have been thinking about working on a set of note cards to sell at some local gift shop. They would look like some of these:
I just want to unify the theme of them so they seem more like a set.

Also, it is September and time for a new calendar journal page.

Here is last month's, completed.

Here is this month's waiting to be filled.

I also finished my Doodle a Day page as well.(Oh and to Roban, since you asked, this is just a daily doodle to fill the backs of my calendar journal pages. It is more like a catalog of doodles to use on future work.

This month I think I will be doing 30 Days of Lists although I am two days behind. Fortunately, once you sign up, you can access it for more than 30 days.

(Today's music note: When I was a kid, my uncle played an 8 Track in the car on our road trips. This was one of the tunes on the 8 Track. Since I only spent summers there and summer is slowly drawing to a close, I thought it was the perfect September song. Speaking of September songs, Frank Sinatra sang a song "September Song" but I couldn't find that version on Mom is a great fan of Sinatra and even has her satellite radio permanently set to the Sinatra station. So the second song on my list is for her even though it is by the Platters. Have fun listening.)


Rieni said…
I love your water colour paintings!!
Cozyflier said…
Your art is amazing. Sinatra is good and all, but how about Neil Diamond's September Morn?!?

I've still got to give your calendar journal idea a try. Just have to find the extra money to buy a sketch book and some watercolors.

When I do I'll try to find a camera to borrow to take some photos and post on my blog, although I'm sure mine won't be anywhere near as beautiful as yours is.

I want to do this partly because I'm starting to learn manuscript illumination as part of my involvement in the Society for Creative Anachronisms, and my one artistic gene is rather enthusiastic at the moment.

Wildflowerhouse said…
I scored a 5. :-) I wanted a zero... LOL! Love your cards. They should sell well. Your calendars are great too.
Unknown said…
Your journals are beautiful. I also think your cards are gorgeous. You should consider doing some cards like your journals. I love the colored squares filled with doodles. Good luck on your business!
Eileen said…
Your calendar pages are great! I like how you doodle on the backs, awesome!
Lynette (NZ) said…
Love your journalling style and your doodles...
miruspeg said…
What a bummer not being able to go to Texas for the long weekend and fix up your house. :-(

But you have used your spare time wonderfully with your drawings and artwork and good luck with selling them to the local gift shop.

Peggy xxxx
Valerie-Jael said…
Lovely work, you have been busy. The calendar page is good, and gives loads of space for journaling = good! And I love the doodles and notecards too! Valerie
your 3 flowers are just amazing !! Wow !! And I love your calender pages too
I am in AWE of these two pages. I never once considered using little squares of color to separate the days of the week. I love how yours are both so different. And it sounds like your weather is even cooler than mine!
MJ said…
Seems our lives are mirroring each other. I have been going thru interviews & awaiting outcomes. And awaiting. And awaiting. Waiting isn't my forte. I'll join you into my prayer.

Other difference? We put on the heater yesterday. Could get freezing temps at nighttime during the upcoming week(s). We are certainly nowhere near 102 degrees F!

Meanwhile, your card concept may work well! Give it a go! You have an entrepreneur spirit!
Unknown said…
Your art is so great Annemarie, Im sure it will turn out great as cards! And Im always impressed by your calendar journal!

crossing my fingers for you getting a job soon, been there myself and its not very funny!

Hilde Iren :))
Catherine said…
mmmm a blue august...that is very interesting..and I love your doodle pages, they are FAB !
ally said…
i love your colours for sept. and also love your doodle pages
Anonymous said…
love your calendar pages, especially the fact that they are sketched out! beautiful...I also need a "cleaned out purse" day!
Kaz said…
Your calendar pages are great, you sound very busy.
I love your art cards too x
Erika said…
Love your colour combo's for your calender pages and your doodle a day pages are FAB.
Thanks for sharing,
happy crafting, Erika.
patcrafts said…
Love your calendar pages, cute drawings for August. September pages look like patch work, fab.
Sharne Gregory said…
I like your style of journaling.
thekathrynwheel said…
? I thought I already left a comment here it seems like I didn't! Love your august drawings - each square is a work of art. I agree with Pat - September looks like patchwork squares, love the colours :-)
Laura said…
i love your journal pages, your doodle a page age is awesome x
Isabelle Norris said…
fantastic September pages !! love the colours.
and love the doodle ones too
Adriann said…
Wow...your doodling is awesome! Love it!!

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