Playing with the Camera

Outside of my town I saw this sunset while leaving the babysitters house.

There is a big issue about the deer population in our town. Personally, I don't mind them. Yes, I have lost a flat of flowers to a deer, but I figure we have built our houses on their homes. The least we can do is put up with a few chewed plants. There are people in town who encourage deer by feeding them (this is illegal). There is a plan in place to allow bow hunting of deer in town to limit the deer population. I disagree with this. Where else can you just be driving through your neighborhood and be able to see a family of deer hanging out in someone's front yard?


Roban said…
We have deer in our neighborhood, too. We can be driving down our street and have to stop to let them cross. They don't come into our yard very often though. It seems that they're aware we have a dog in the house, so they steer clear. I'll never forget one winter day as I ran on the golf-course path. A deer was standing nearby. We both stopped and looked at each other for the longest time. Snow (rare in this part of the states) was falling. I thought for a moment that I had stepped into a Christmas card!
McMGrad89 said…
The deer love to hang out on the golf course around the corner from my house. At night, as you come around the corner, three or four run across the road from the golf course into the woods.
Jan said…
We have them in our neighborhood too. Yes, they eat things. I still enjoy their beauty and grace - and love to see the fawns in the spring. The bow hunting idea is just sickening. I enjoyed your pictures of the deer! Jan
merryheart2 said…
i've tried leaving several comments and gives me an error msg. i hope you don't end up with 2o plus comments from me. LOL
merryheart2 said…
oh. well. that goes up, but not the others. LOL

love the photos of the deer. i hope they don't implement the bow hunting. that would be terrible.

Christmas hugs to all of you.
miruspeg said…
What a glorious sunset.

Hope your evening was enjoyable.

We don't see many wild deer in Australia......they sure look cute.


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