I Have a Secret Santa

Yesterday, I opened up my front door to find a box of fudge, a box of expensive chocolates and this....

Isn't that cool? I had to hide it from my kids. Some of these are candies my friend Renee and I would get at the 7-Eleven when we were in junior high school. It was a weekly ritual.

I have been trying to get her on the phone, but she has been mysteriously unavailable. If it's not her, I can't imagine who it could be.

NOTE: I spoke to Renee, it wasn't her...that left my neighbor who has seen me chasing after my son as he ran away down the street. She knew how much I as in need of chocolate. Thanks "Neighbor."


miruspeg said…
Lucky you Annemarie!
As the saying goes 'all your christmases have come at once'

Hope you touch-base with Renee soon.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh how FUN!!!!! I like your Secret Santa! :):):):):):):):):)
Shan in Japan said…
Pixy Stix and Laffy Taffy! Natsukashii! (what great memories!:)
Yep, I'm on Facebook. I'll try to find you, too.
Jan said…
What a lot of fun that is! I hope it's not Renee - then you'll really have to do some thinking. In any case, it was a fun way to leave some Christmas cheer. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Jan said…
I'm on Facebook too. I think I found you - but I'm not sure.

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