A Little Christmas Cheer

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Well, I figured if we can't all be in the same place in real life, I would create a virtual family get together.

The funny thing is James keeps saying, "Play it again." Then he waves at his daddy and laughs at how silly we are. He doesn't seem to tire of seeing it.

So here's to James...Play it again.


Melissa B. said…
Greetings & Salutations, you Superior Scribbler, you! Melissa B. here, The Scholastic Scribe, & the "Original" Superior Scribbler! 2 things on my mind today: I've been nominated for a pretty prestigious blog award, and would greatly appreciate your vote; so if you click on over to my place, you'll see the info. It's an annual award from EduBlog, and I'm up for Best Individual Blog. And also, don't forget to come by tomorrow for the Silly Sunday Sweepstakes. Thanks for your support!
miruspeg said…
What great fun Annemarie.

This should keep James occupied for quite a while. I know I'll be playing it again also to see your happy smiling faces.

Have a wonderful Christmas.
Roban said…
This is the cutest thing! I don't know how I missed it earlier. I guess I was drowning in school work or trying to get things done at home.

Anyway, just had to comment on this. It made me laugh. Okay chuckle. (I'm not much of a laugh out-louder!).

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