Here Comes the Sun and the Year 2011

I am excited about the upcoming year and about these:

The sketchbook challenge


You can click on either to find out more. These are my tools toward exploring creativity. I like that they are low pressure, but will provide me some much needed inspiration.

Now here's my last submission for the Top 2000 Blog Party.

I would like to thank the many people who have left posts on this blog over the course of the year. I have had over 7000 visitors since August 2008 when I started using ClustrMaps. The other counter at the bottom is not reliable because I think it counts when I come to the page, too. I have just never bothered to delete it.

A lot has happened over the course of this year. I got my first passport. My husband "lost" his former job and was required to relocate to his current job. I played single mom over the summer and am doing it again. I went on a long awaited sabbatical from being a mommy for two weeks and did something people thought I would never do by going to Norway with a new travel buddy. My son started school. I changed from teaching gifted students and began teaching inclusion students. I cleaned my house company clean twice okay maybe three times. I decided to be happy and to be grateful.

Next year should be great with a planned move in June and Caitlin becoming a high schooler.

What are you looking forward to next year?


Unknown said…
Im looking forward to spring, so I can again weld new rings outside without freezing my fingers off :D (dont have an indoor workshop...)
Happy new year!
Hilde Iren :)
MJ said…
You have had a year of much growth and many challenges! You've been dealing so well with everything on your plate! Happy 2011!
miruspeg said…
This is a beautiful blog post Annemarie.
You are shining my dear friend....truly shining.
Here's to a super 2011.
Big hugs
Peggy xxxx

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