Just Add Water

Here are the latest in the water coloring attempts.

Some are imagined or from a distant memory...

but the last one is based on my virtual friend Cazjane's photo of a dahlia which she has posted on Flickr. She is quite handy with the camera and finds the prettiest flowers. I told her she was giving me great subjects to paint.
Tomorrow I will share with you my doodle-a-day page.


Unknown said…
Lovely paintings! Im fond of water-color too, love the way the colors float!
Andre Rodriguez said…
You're good, sister. Keep it up.
Andre Rodriguez said…
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Eva Helen said…
SĆ„ flink du er! Vakre bilder, og fargene er fantastiske!!
Kan du sende litt krativitet hit? Hi hi :).

HƄper du trives der dere bor nƄ.

- Eva Helen
miruspeg said…
Annemarie I am sure Cazjane will feel chuffed that one of her photos is part of your blog post.
Your watercolours are lovely.
Is the mountains and water sketch from Norway?
Peggy xxxx
Thinkie said…
These look great, the beach and the landscape are my favorites!

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