An Early-Morning Walk...

... is a blessing for the whole day. ~Henry David Thoreau

Wow! School starts early here in the Kansas City area. I used to think Texans started early, but today is the third day of school. I am glad I didn't wait any longer than I did to get up here. If I had waited for the movers who, by the way, are coming NEXT week, They would have missed a week and a half of school.

Although the house we live in is too small for four people, we are making do. The best part about it is that James's school is only two blocks away. He is excited to walk to school every morning with me. (I don't think I will ever let him walk alone since I can't see the front of the school from my house.)

After dropping him off today, I had a really nice walk home. Having come from dry, hot Texas, I have a real appreciation for trees. I had fun picking up leaves along the way.

When I got home, I got out my little sketchbook and started painting the maple leaf I found.

If you notice, I painted the background of the leaf a light green. This green would become the veins when I covered the leaf in a darker green.

The background was painted in a flesh tone and then I covered up the leaf so I could splatter the background.

It was a fun experiment.


MJ said…
Pretty leaf that you have painted!

Glad to read you are settling into your new address! James will love being so close to home!
pretty :) pretty :) pretty :) ....i so love it.. ♥
miruspeg said…
Lovely post Annemarie.
Your artwork is beautiful, James looks happy, walking in the fresh air each day is wonderful....all you need is a bigger house and a job and all will be right with the world.
Peggy xxxx
Thinkie said…
What a lovely leaf!
GG said…
Yes, I love my morning walks too. It is medicine for my body cos if I don't exercise everyday, I get headaches. I have had to wake up earlier than usual to avoid the texas heat. Love your painting... good job on the light & shadow and splatter technique.
Roban said…
I love how your leaf turned out. Sounds like you're getting a little bit settled in to your new home. Has Caitlin found a new dance home yet?
Marit said…
Wow, that's a great drawing/painting dear! Enjoy the weather and the trees!

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