I Love Winning

I just won this:

It was for a post I did on March 1st. You can read it here.

I guess I have been on my soap box more than a little lately.

Hopefully, spring break will mellow me out a little. LOL


very cool!!! congrats! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
miruspeg said…
You are definitely a force to be reckoned with Annemarie....LOL

You are really on top of your game at the moment with your writing and artwork.....congratulations.

Peggy xxxx
Rieni said…
Unknown said…
Thank you for your help on my vocabulary :)
Anonymous said…
Love your writing! I love people on soapboxes! Did that way to less in my life... I need to change that! It's a pity English isn't my mother language... I LOVE to write but can do it faster in Dutch... but I'll try playing that one-minute-writing-thing sometimes 'cause I love the idea!!!

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