On a Rainy Day

You can get a lot done.

No, I didn't do laundry or organize my closet, but I did cross off two items off my art journal list. I have one more page left to do plus a cover. When I finish it all, I will show you.

Here is a page that we were supposed to add texture with gesso. It is textured, but hard to see in the picture.

The second one is using a picture that Rieni took of daisy. I painted over the photo. Then I drew the notebook paper for the quote and finished with some journaling.


ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh these are awesome anne marie! :):):):):):) loveeeeeeeeeeeeee the colors! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Thinkie said…
nice! looks like you're longing for sunnier weather ;-)

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