*Tear* :-(

Why is Mrs. Victory close to tears this morning? Because of this ---

What is it? Well let's go back to yesterday.

Yesterday, during a break, I was flipping through my mini art journal when one of my students saw the cover and asked me about it. I asked her if she wanted to see it and she said yes, so I opened it and explained what the different drawings were.

This morning, as I greeted my students at the door, my little friend handed me the above little book and said, "It's for all of your doodles."

This month's character trait is Caring. I think that my little friend has displayed this trait manifold.

Thank you GR.


Cozyflier said…
Yes, I would agree, that friend has caring down. Wish all little students understood that concept.

Have a good weekend.
Anonymous said…
Aaaahhh, that's sooo sweet! You doodle away Annemarie!!!
MrsPeel said…
I would ve been in tears there and then....this is beautiful :)
but then again, no surprisingly you get so much caring...with all the caring you give out...only fair you get lots back :)
Thanks for sending me to Marit's blog too...well, thanks for everything, really... you are a star
Anonymous said…
oh that is just so sweet!
What a treasure book!
Roban said…
This is the sweetest thing! I've been behind in my visits, but I'm so glad I've read through your posts and found this one. I also love all the art you've been creating lately. You're doing what I want to be doing. I keep buying magazines to inspire me, but that's as far as I get. When I have time... spring break maybe, I'm coming back to look at your goodies again. Then, I'll do something!

If I get to join you all in the summer, why don't you lead us through one of your creations...? A make and take souvenir of our get-together.
Thinkie said…
that's very sweet and thoughtful!

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