And Now the Rest of the Album

Do you remember this? (It was only a few hours ago.)
Here is what happened to my little friend's doodle album.
After I got on Photo Booth, I got to doodling.

I will keep you updated on this little book.


MJ said…
Great doodling! I've never been a doodler so I am mighty impressed!
Anonymous said…
What a CUTE idea!
Anonymous said…
You know I love this!!! Those doodled alpha's are gorgeous! I might steal that idea dear... have a great weekend!
Daniella said…
hey!! Just stopping by from Marit's workshop!
Love this doodle book!!
MrsPeel said…
you were with me when we went to the Identity exhibition on friday, you ll see why when I fo the blog post, I also bought you a present that day....
will get it to you as soon as I have dealt with more pressing matters
love this !!!!

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