Oh, Sleep

My eyes are wide open.
It makes me so sad.
Three hours of sleep
Are all that I’ve had.
Why do you elude me,
Oh mischievous fellow?
You think you would show
Since I have brand new pillows.

I lie there and listen
To trains passing by
Just wishing if only
I could catch a ride
To Sleepville or Slumberland.
It would be so great
To keep my eyes closed
Til the clock strikes eight.

Dear Sleep come my way.
I’m begging you please
To be like the baby
Who rocks in the trees.
I’ll give up my vices
Like Bush’s Sweet Tea
If you would come visit
And grant me relief.
All I want from you
Is just to find sleep
Annemarie (Victory) Rodriguez
(c) 2010


Anonymous said…
I do hope you get a lot of rest this weekend!!!!
MrsPeel said…
well, well.. see? you ve done it again: when I thibnk I have seen all your wonderful talents, here comes a new one (at least one I did not know before) with a poetry marvel :)
I so know that feeling...I m sending the best vibes your way, it may have to do with the medication, I know my painkillers schedule disturbs my sleep, you may wanna talk to your doctor...
Huge huggzz
ohhhhhhhhhhhh i hope u get sleep soon!!! {{{hug}}} :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Jacquerose said…
I didn't get to sleep until about 1:30 am this morning, so I can relate! Sometimes it is 3:00 am or even 5:00 am! I blame it on post-menopause.....
Hope you get a good rest today and a good night's sleep!
Oh not sleeping is bad! I always try to count backwards from 100 picturing the numbers vividly in my mind. Sometimes it works....sometimes not.

Good luck getting sleep!

MJ said…
I hope you are more successful tonight! I've long ago learned that I can't drink anything caffeinated after noon because I won't sleep at night. Who says that caffeine is out of your system within 3 hours doesn't know my system!
Roban said…
I am with you on this one... sleep is such a luxury sometimes, isn't it? My sleeplessness is usually because I'm trying to get things done at all hours of the night. Are you just having insomnia? I hope you sleep better the next few nights!
MrsPeel said…
ohhhh, I domn't remember the pills I took half an hour ago but I do remember your sweet tea pages....and once again, I do know the elusive sleep, am just coming out of a pharmaceutical induced one, nothing more beautiful than waking up with you and this amazing memory - LOVE you
Bob Dylan said…
You poor thing. I'm averaging 8 but probably more like 6. Yoga?
McMGrad89 said…
I get about six or seven now, but when this was written my life was a shambles and I couldn't get much sleep.

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