Ask and You Shall Receive

I was on SIStv admiring some lovely pieces of work. In particular, this one:

I commented on how much I liked it, and lo and behold, I had a message from the creator LindaLoe telling me if I wanted it, she would swap with me. How exciting!

Then I began thinking, "What would I exchange with her?" I had to make something, so I started with this paper.
and this set of fluid chalk pads
to make the paper look like this.
Then took the oval from this piece of paper,
cut some flowers out of this
and used this bird that was a plain black and white stamp so I decorated it,
and put it all together for this cute little card.
I hope she likes it.


that is soooooooooooooooooooo sweet of linda!! i love that linda...and i loveeeeeeeeeeeeee what u made for her!!! its gorgeous! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
letti said…
It's very lovely! Great job!
Cozyflier said…
How nice. wish I had time! Your music surprised me! My 22 yr old had me listen to Fire Flie today :) I like it! The kids knew it already!
Rieni said…
so sweet of Linda, and you did a good job on yours. I really love it.
Anonymous said…
I just saw this on SIStv, and I saw Lindaloe's card too... I think you both did a great "swap"!!!
Roban said…
How could she not absolutely love it! It's gorgeous!
miruspeg said…
I think both you and Linda are very talented and love the idea of trading cards. :)
MrsPeel said…
I find myself only being able to say...wOw!!!!!!

you are one of my greatest heroes.
of course she will like it!!!
is amazing :)

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