December Daily 2

I never took my Christmas decorations down from last year. I left them up for my husband who was away for half of last year. Now I don't have to decorate for this year. LOL

December Daily 2

So here's December Daily number 2.

Two days down. Twenty-nine more to go.


letti said…
oo that's lovely. Now I have a confession . Our Christmas wreath has been on our door all year. LOL. Talk about major procrastination. It's time for a new one tho coz this one's all faded. Heheheh.
Roban said…
I bet your husband was happy to see that it was still Christmas when he got home!

My husband would want to help me pack them up the moment he saw them.... For him, Christmas decorations are history the day after Christmas. (Althouh I have gotten away with leaving the decorations up for a few days after Christmas...)
Roban said…
I love your new holiday look here.... I've still got the beach going on at the top of my blog. Maybe people will think I live in Australia?
charrette said…
My Christmas books are still out since last Christmas. And I don't even have a good excuse like a traveling husband. I think I'm just always reluctant to see them go.

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