December Daily 13 - Deck the Halls

We finally put up the tree. Gary actually assembled it and left the part of decorating it to me and kids. I thought I would try letting them do it on their own, but couldn't let well enough alone. They were putting things on in the "wrong" order and loading the tree with too many of one type of ornament in one place. Even as a kid, I had a way of putting up the ornaments to ensure that the decorations were evenly spaced with no two colors touching and such.

Gary put up his Christmas village. It is so cute.

So other than the angel which hasn't made it to the top of the tree, we are pretty much done with holiday decorating. We will leave it up until the 6th of January.


chris a said…
Love your decorations (I totally understand the tree decorating) and the village. When I was a little girl, we didn't put up the tree until Christmas eve and left it up until Epiphany when we took it to a nearby park. Everyone brought their trees and we piled them up and had a huge bonfire - probably can't do that today due to environmental stuff - but the memories are wonderful! have a great week!
i think its GORGEOUS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
miruspeg said…
I wouldn't have been able to let them decorate it by themselves either....maybe when they are older and wiser!!!!
Beautiful tree Annemarie.
Give the angel a kiss for me before you put her up on top.
Peggy xxx

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