Annemarie Unplugged

Dec 24th since I was last online. I'm supposed to be posting my final reflection on discipline, but I don't have a computer. That's so not me. I've adapted. I've been drawing, sketching, designing...things I don't get to do. The big thing I got was a clean house, clean enough for company.
In the big world of cyberspace one can feel insignificant, but Peggy let me feel missed. She actually called looking for me. For that I am thankful. Wishing all of you Happy New Year! I hope to be back soon.

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Happy New Year!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Roban said…
Sometimes it's nice to get unplugged, isn't it? So glad you were able to join us for our last post! It's been a blessing to me to be a part of our reflections this year....

Happy New Year!
Anonymous said…
Just a quick stop on your blog to wish you and your loved ones a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I'm so glad we met each other last year on the Internet! Please plug in now and then so I can catch up with you...!
NaehVision said…
Happy New Year!

Liebe GrĆ¼ĆŸe
Wendy said…
So glad to know what happened! I sent an email before Christmas hoping to touch base when you were in Oklahoma. Now I know what happened. This year has been amazing. Can't wait to read your posts in 2010! You have inspired me with your Discipline and your loving spirit! Happy New Year!
McMGrad89 said…
Thank you everyone who stopped by. It was a really strange experience to only be connected to the world through the television and cell phone. I realized I was on information overload and used the break to rejuvenate. I am now back. We will see to what extent.
Rieni said…
A bit late, but also from the Netherlands, A happy, healthy and creative 2010
MJ said…
You have got great toes!

Hope you are feeling better!

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