Meet Me at the Fair

Today was Labor Day. It was supposed be the day we drove back from Texas after fixing up the house to sell it. Unfortunately, my husband said he had to work today so we didn't make the trip at all. I began the morning sitting around pouting and then put on my big girl panties and got on the internet to find something to do. That's when I found the SantaCaliGon Days Fair in Independence MO.Little Man didn't want to go. He decided to stay home with the daddy who DIDN'T go to work. :-( So Cait and I took off for an outing on a beautiful not quite fall day. I had Googled how to get there but didn't write it down so there was a lot of "is it this street? No" action going on but we made it there with few detours. The biggest problem when we arrived was the parking situation. All of the public parking was taken and people were selling out their driveways and private parking lots for $5. (Normally, this not a big deal, but to the unemployed, $5 is not desirable.) So Caitlin and I began stalking people leaving the fair.

It began by finding the courthouse parking lot. I then made one go around just in case there was an empty space. That didn't work of course, so I scouted for a family leaving and it wasn't long before one was spotted. I slowly followed them. I don't think the grandmother was too pleased but I didn't care. They unlocked the car and I signaled my intent. People began coming around from all directions thinking they were getting my prize, but they were denied. I waved at one onlooker to let her know that I was going to be the victor in this hunt and she dejectedly drove away. I waited patiently for the family to pull out and then grabbed my spot without incident. The rest of the parking lot pack crawled away with their tails between their legs. And that's how I became the leader of the pack. Heehee.

My Prey

My Competition

I Am Victorious

The streets of Independence were jam packed full of fair goers. There were booths as far as the eye could see. Vendors were selling dresses, hats, vinyl siding, purses, feathers for hair. No, you didn't hear me wrong, there were all sorts of home improvement folks there selling siding, gazebos, sun rooms and the like. But of course we cannot forget the fair food. Unfortunately, the pictures I took of the food didn't come out this time. :-( But there were plenty of people to watch while we were there.
Do you see them?

Do you see them now?

One of the best parts of the day was stumbling across this store while heading to the ice cream eating contest. It was full of all sorts of goodies, and I would love to spend some time in it without fair goers. The owner has had this store for soon to be 25 years.

Before going home, Caitlin and I headed to the stage area where the various bands were playing. That is where people were gathering to help break the Guinness Book of World Records for the largest group assembled to dance the Macarena. Yep, the Macarena. Caitlin decided to participate and I tried to photo and video tape her doing it, but the sun in my LCD view screen prevented me from seeing if I caught her, but I did manage to snap the back of her head a few times. :-)
(White shirt brown hair right in the middle.)

How did you spend your weekend?

(Today's Music Note: You are listening to Judy Garland singing "Meet Me in St. Louis, Louie" from the musical with the same title. When I listen to the beginning lyrics, they are quite similar to today's situation. LOL. [Sorry, Peg, there wasn't one for your player.] It has been a long time since I saw that movie at the Paramount movie theater in Abilene, TX. I hope you enjoy today's sing along.)


Anonymous said…
hi Annemarie. i'm so glad you and Caitlin had a great day. i spend my day cleaning my home office. i'm still not finished. wanna come help me organize and clean? please and thank you!

how are you liking the new place? are you job hunting or going to stay home for a while?

have a great week.
MJ said…
This is a really interesting post. It seems to be a fair (with ferris wheel) but appears to be on a street. How weird is that!

We went to the fair for the first time in years this year & were surprised by how expensive it is! The girls had a great time but we won't be going back for a few years now! We'll wait a little while for them to get older and to go on the big-kids rides!

Sounds like you had a great day! Here's to the week ahead!
hahahaha very funny about trying to nab the parking space ;-) Great pics.
The notecards look fantastic, love the jouranl pages and the doodling
Anne x
miruspeg said…
What a hoot you are Annemarie!
I often stalk people when looking for a parking spot and do exactly like you did when I find people leaving.....I tell the other car drivers that it is my prize!!

Love your descriptive writing my friend!!

It certainly looks like you and Cait had a fun day....pity the boys missed out....silly billys!

Big hugs
Peg xxxxx
ABW said…
Looks like fun! I love the way you write. I'm glad you made it a special day!

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