That title makes me think of a song we sing at church. "I have decided to follow Jesus....No turning back, no turning back." This time, however, it has to do with pushing the finalize button on the Expedia website. I finally purchased tickets to fly to Norway this summer with my friend Peggy. This was an idea I conjured up a couple of years ago after making contact with a friend from Norway I met 16 years ago when he was traveling around the US. Peggy heard about it, I asked her if she wanted to come, and surprisingly, she did. Ever since then, I have been working (teaching summer school and selling Mary Kay) to pay for this trip. I think if I hadn't made plans with Peggy, I wouldn't have ever had the guts to actually go . Peggy - World Traveler Everyday, I would go on line and look at the locations we could explore when we got there. I even have an email that I occasionally pasted ideas into to send to Peggy to let her know what we could do in Norway. I bought a boo...
have a great weekend (stay warm!!)