Sketchbook Challenge - cont.

I have been working on some things.

The first was to add hair to my poor little bald people. It's okay.
They Have Hair
Next is a zentangle that enjoyed making. I combined both an Opaque Writer and a thin lined pen to add detail. It says Bloom Where U R Planted. The theme for this months Sketchbook challenge is "highly prized." I value that I have gotten to live in many places in my life (Pennsylvania, NY, Alaska, Texas, Colorado.)
Bloom Where U R Planted

In June, I get to live in a new place, thanks to my husband's job. Time is ticking and I have done nothing to get ready for it. Better get on the stick


Anonymous said…
Ahh, so nice to see your drawings, and you zentangled even! Well, I did too last week ... what a coincidence again! Or did I feel your zentangle vibes coming my way (or you felt mine? Who was first *teehee*) Enjoy your weekend my friend!
Roban said…
I didn't know those were called zentangles. Thanks for giving it a name for me! I would love to live in(or even visit) Alaska. Okay, maybe visit would be the best thing!
Anonymous said…
i didn't know it was Alaska you were moving to. when did that change come about?
i love your faces. my problem is that i can't see things in my mind and put them on paper. maybe i'm not creative enough.

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