Welcome 2011 and All It Brings

Happy New Year!!

Just would like to share some pics from last year that I didn't have a chance to share because they didn't really fit anywhere.

We started with Caitlin's band concert...here's James review

Then came James' singing performance at the Senior Adult dinner at church.
At work we held a Secret Santa gift exchange. I made the box below to house a box of colored pencils for my pal.

We attended a wedding of a family friend. Here is mom and Caitlin
and Mom and my brother.
Mom with our friend Jenny's baby.

We made a trip out to have lunch with a friend and her kiddos.

James and I made candy reindeer.
Photo by James

The kids had fun dumping the Christmas stockings

James had bubbles in his stocking.

My mom's present to me was a complete car detail...ain't it purdy??
We went to mom's house and a leaf fight ensued.

James has caught the creativity bug.

Well now that those are out of the way, I can start with new photos from this year.

Hmmm. Anyone notice I am only in one of those photos?? Let's work on that.


Love your photos. But I also wanted to comment to say that I really, really, really like your playlist.
Roban said…
I'm thinking that peppermint reindeer would be happy in a mug of hot chocolate right about now. And what a lucky secret pal you had... the box is so cute.

I thought about you this past week as I turned up my creativity a few hundred notches. I kept thinking "I can't wait to show Annemarie what I did!" I posted one of my creations on my blog this morning and will post the other one soon.

Happy New Year!
Anonymous said…
Just dropping in to wish you a very happy New Year! May all your dreams come true dear one!

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