Trash vs Treasure

I came into my house after enjoying a pleasant fall outing with the kids and my mother. I looked at the living room and told the kids there was no way the t.v. or computer was coming on until the living room was tidy. There was lots of whining and complaining from the littlest until I told him that whatever I picked up was going in the trash even if it was treasure.

Caitlin cleaned the dining/homework/craft table off then began picking up all the things her brother dropped on the floor. (Believe me you don't want to know.) I wandered over to the living room side of the room and found James still sitting there so I began picking up cars and tracks. This was followed by a scream and a little boy hurriedly picking up his toys.

The other thing that James does is hide wrappers and toys and books under the two arm chairs. I told him it was his responsibility to clean up his mess. He refused so I told him the same thing as before. Only this time I said he had to decide which was trash and which was treasure. He got a plastic grocery bag and began the hunt for trash and treasure. In no time I had a small pile of treasure at my feet and James had a small bag full of hidden wrappers and old school papers. (He is quite the sneaky little boy.)

Hey, mom! Is this treasure?? You could blow into it like this...whoo whoo whoo.
I love seeing all of his "treasure."

Meanwhile, Caitlin got busy dusting (vacuuming) the shelves and was actually having a good time so who am I to keep her from having fun. It might have had something to do with the fact that she would get $10 if she did a good job and another $5 if she got to her brother's part before he did.

All that cleaning tuckered them out.


miruspeg said…
Looks like it was a productive cleaning day in the Victory household.
The trash/treasure idea was an excellent one.
Happy Halloween my friend.
Peggy xxxxx
ABW said…
I wonder what Abs and Junior would consider trash and treasure! I'd pay Caitlin to come over here and help!
MJ said…
That is indeed a Texan livingroom! Look at those longhorns on the wall! I would never have thought of vacuuming them! Way to go Caitlin!
Anonymous said…
Aaaahhh, you make me feel guilty.. could you send "the crew" over to my place, it desperately needs cleaning too!
Anonymous said…
Wow, good working of your kids! They just need a little stimulation Huh ;)

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