Tales of Spiders & Jack O'Lanterns

My house is getting set for Halloween. It actually started the process by itself yesterday. I was on my way to the car when I noticed this:Does anyone know what kind of spider it is?? (Click on the photo for a larger view.) It is way up on the roof line out of my reach.

Usually when Halloween comes around I use whole pumpkins. No Jack O'Lanterns. No mess. Here is what they usually look like:

This year James learned about Jack O'Lanterns and wanted to cut up the pumpkins. The problem with pumpkins is they are kind of icky inside. I am well known for not liking anything messy. Well pumpkins definitely qualify as MESSY!
The things I do for my son.

But the end results were worth it!
James designed the traditional pumpkin. Caitlin drew the cat pumpkin. That was a hard one to do. The cat pumpkin is much larger than James' pumpkin therefor much thicker. The good thing about the larger one was it was dryer and easier to clean out than the little one which was stringy, wet and slimy.

This year we will be daddyless for Halloween so I will not be sponsoring a trunk for trunk or treat. Instead I will take James around the lot and let him jump in the bounce house and play some of the "carnival" games. He his most looking forward to a fishing game he saw last year.

What will those of you who like Halloween be doing?


Thinkie said…
The pumpkins look great! Have fun!
Cozyflier said…
Good job Annemarie on the pumpkins! I have to upload ours. Wish you could come to LBB for our big party! that is what I'm doing!!

Happy Halloween!
Hugs, Carrie
McMGrad89 said…
Wish I could but is far for one or two days with two kids by myself.
Andre Rodriguez said…
We went to Charleston for Halloween again and had a lot of fun. The best costume I saw was a man dressed as a newborn baby. He was wearing a diaper and had covered himself in petroleum jelly to make his skin shiny and slimy. He also had an umbilical cord made from pig intestine. A little gross, but a lot funny. Poor guy couldn't sit down on the cold metal chairs.

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