Just in Time

I usually do things just in time. It's the procrastinator in me. Been that way since 3rd or 4th grade, maybe even 2nd.

Yesterday, I was the queen of procrastination and had to pay for it. My husband had this dresser(a found object):

It had a nice shape, but it was definitely worse for wear.

I had always had it in my mind that it should be painted. I never mentioned it because I am a starter not a finisher and I didn't want to be sans dresser. Since he was moving, however, I thought it was the perfect time to fix it up. I asked him to move it to the back yard or garage (he suffers from procrastinationitis too) and he never did, until this week when I was busy with school and such.

Saturday, I finally made it to the Home Depot, but when I got home I got distracted and forgot until Sunday. It was now or never since the movers were coming the next day.

I had him drag it out on the driveway and I got to work.
Sorry there is no after... It was still drying and now it is on a truck to Missouri.
Good thing I got it done Sunday!
Paint in the hair (and on the hands.)

This is what happened Monday!

On a bright note, the sun was shining, and from inside the house, I was certain it was bright enough to make a rainbow so James and I ran out in jackets to check it out. Sure enough it was there so I ran back in the house, but they then, this was all I could capture with my point and shoot.

I took it over to Picnik.com and edited it so you could see what I saw.

James also got a chance to play in the rain. It was the perfect surprise shower.


MJ said…
You have certainly discovered a new concept of "painted hair" instead of coloured! Hope that it comes out soon!
miruspeg said…
Annemarie you certainly transformed that dresser :-) and the angels must have been on your side to keep that wet weather away until Monday.
Seeing James out in the rain reminded me of when we danced in the rain in July!
Peggy xxxx
Anonymous said…
I LOVE dressers! They have something to it... good thing you finally got to it! And your rainbow is stunning!
Cozyflier said…
Annemarie, you aren't alone. I started stripping AJ's desk last fall, and then winter set in. Don't ask me where summer went! The desk is still sitting in my garage, I have to finish stripping, sanding, and then I can or should I say Kevin can spray paint it!!

Your dresser looks awesome! Good luck on your hair! Lets get together before you move!


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