And Now A Break From Our Norwegian Travel Guide

I know my next post was to be about the architecture and such we saw while we were in Norway, but I just spent the weekend in an amazing place and just had to share it with you all.

Many years ago, okay actually three, I joined a site called Scrapblog. I began exploring the site and ran across a scrapblog called Quiet Ballet. I left a comment and began looking at who also left comments. Through a series of clicks, I ended up at some other ladies' scrapblogs. Little did I know that these women would become important friends in my life.

I then began blogging and following these same friends' blogs and came across another blogger. The five of us decided to do a series of joint blogs based on our chosen words for the year. This activity sealed our friendship and made us all want to get together. (Note - One of us, Roban, was unable to make it.)

It was decided that Texas was the place to go, but where to stay became the question. I took it upon myself to make arrangements for accommodations and came across The Baines House in Salado. I had only heard good things about the place and through the wonder of the internet, I was able to view the different cottages and even see what the actual rooms looked like.

I called the owner and he was such a pleasant man. He held the Cattle Baron Suite for us. So we all waited with baited breath to see this place in real life.

Upon our arrival, we retrieved our key and opened the suite. Although we had seen the place on the website, we were amazed at how cozy and neatly appointed our accommodations were. I even mentioned to my friends how I could live in a place like this forever.
Rod & Sheryl Russell, Innkeepers

When we walked in we were greeted by a king-sized bed quaintly covered in a patchwork quilt and a pile of pillows topped off with the cutest Raggedy Ann and Andy pillows. I almost didn't want to unmake the bed, but was glad I did because it was the most comfortable bed I have slept in for a long time.
The World's Most Comfortable Bed

We continued to explore our surroundings and checked out the bathroom which had more towels than I possibly have in my entire house. The walls were treated with a Venetian plaster finish that I had only seen on home television shows. Our tour took us up stairs lined with upholstered walls. At the top of the stairs was a roomy loft with two twin beds set up like a banquet and futon for any unexpected guests. There was a dinette complete with a mini-fridge filled with water and sodas, a dining table with checker board for those quiet moments between shopping sprees. A door led out to a balcony with chairs and view of the garden where doves entertained us with their cooing up in the many trees that surround the property.

After a restful sleep and a hot shower, we headed off to breakfast at the Carriage House where we were greeted by the innkeepers Rod & Sheryl Russell. Breakfast consisted of egg frittata, black bean and hominy salsa (yummy) followed by dessert (!!!) of peach cobbler and fresh whipped cream. We had the best conversation with Rod and Sheryl and we walked away having had an elegant sufficiency, ready to face the Salado Art Festival. They even gave us discount coupons for the fair! The next day's breakfast was just as enjoyable with migas and that wonderful salsa, dessert of bread pudding with lemon sauce and more delightful discussions. Sheryl had even set aside a table especially for our odd group of three.
Me, Wendy & Peggy enjoying breakfast

I was sad to leave my little sanctuary, but I am glad to know it is always there waiting for me whenever I feel I need a little getaway. I hope you get a chance to experience this retreat, too.


Anonymous said…
OH WOW... looks and sounds like a happy and relaxing weekend... I could certainly use one of those. You look so relaxed and "in peace" (is this strange to say?) Glad you had a wonderful weekend my friend!
Rieni said…
this looks like a wonderful weekend, You al look so relaxed. and the place lookes lovely
Roban said…
What a lovely place you found, Annemarie. This makes me miss the trip even more.
McMGrad89 said…
It wasn't the same without you, but we persevered and tried our best to enjoy ourselves. LOL Our day will come.
Wendy said…
A beautiful place to share new memories. Thank you for finding the perfect place for our rendevous!
miruspeg said…
Ten out of ten Annemarie for finding the PERFECT place for our reunion.

I am so are such a wonderful friend, I feel so blessed that our paths have crossed.

Big hugs
Peggy xxxx
Anonymous said…
Sounds like a wonderful weekend!
That lace looks beautiful!
So great to meet such wonderful friends through blogging!
McMGrad89 said…
It was great, Jeanet. Maybe one day our paths will cross.

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