Be Happy Anyway

Be Happy Anyway
From Brave Girls Club

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Through the Years

Today while I was on Facebook, I saw some of my friends playing with a website called Yearbook Yourself. I decided to go over to the website and have a little fun. The hardest part was finding a photo where I didn't have my hair in front of my forehead so it would fit in the website's different hairstyles. I think the only two styles that might have really been me are 1996 and 2000. Of course I wasn't alive in 1952 or 1966, but it still was fun to try those out too.

It's funny how styles change over time. Sometimes certain styles come back with a twist, but there are a couple of them that I would rather not see again.

Go over there, have a little fun. I think they had music playing from each era, too, but I usually have my speakers off, so I couldn't tell.


Anonymous said...

This is fun! I did this (unknowingly of this...) last week for the Lotus Paperie lay out... put different portrets together - and yes, there are styles I'd rather NOT see anymore...

Roban said...

This looks like fun.... I haven't tried it yet. Now, it looks like I'll have to spend a "little" more time on the computer.... awww.

'96 and 2000 look the best, by the way.... I also like '66 had you actually been alive then. I love that Mary Tyler Moore look.


MJ said...

Whew! I just missed the threshold on the Laura Petrie look in 1966 which, incidentally, is my fav look for you! I can almost see you dancing to the theme music .... Da-da-da (humming theme music now!)

Michelle Gautreaux said...

HAHAHA! those are too funny!
gotta love the 80's, hairspray and all.

Nathalie Kalbach said...

this is so fun!!!

carrhop said...

I'm going to have to try this! Of course, I shudder to admit that I've been wearing the same style for a long, long time--I'm married to a guy with Rapunzel syndrome--


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