This Is Just What I Needed

Look what I found today on the internet. It would have been the perfect stamp for my Time After Time cards. I wasn't even looking and BAM there it was!

Stamp by Lynne Perrella
Isn't this usually the case?


YEP it is!!!!! LOL!!! That and U always FIND whatevertheheckUlostinyourhouse IN the LAST place U look! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Anonymous said…
I likes that image too!!!!!!!!!
Roban said…
That is a great stamp.... I would probably want to get it anyway, just in case I needed something clockish in the future!

Pegasus said…
WOW!!! That IS a great stamp!
Bree mcconnell said…
I loooooooove this stamp!!!!!! Great find
Cozyflier said…
yep, that is the way it always goes!

Great stamp, did you get it anyway?

Anonymous said…
that's usually the case for me.
i love that stamp. it's great.
did you buy it anyway?

i am giving Burgandi a skull pin cushion for Christmas. it will be her stocking. :)
MJ said…
Murphy's Law hits again!
miruspeg said…
Great image!
Now you will have to create another one.
Anonymous said…
That is a really neat image!!

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