Now Why Didn't I Think of That?

Do you know what this is? Give it a minute. Realize that this is the broken version of something very important to my everyday life.

Do you recognize it now?

Yes it's a knob.

Yes, it is the on/off switch to my beloved dryer. Only many months ago, I cracked it. I was still able to use it with a little finesse, but after months of being tweaked a certain way, the metal core snapped into pieces and refused to be abused anymore.

I asked my darling husband to please take a look at it with the new tool set the kids bought him for father's day, but he said it was a lost cause. He thought the entire internal switch had burned out, and it needed professional help. I looked upon this as an opportunity for a new dryer, but he insisted I call the repair man.

After much procrastination, I finally called the technician to come out and take a look at the old machine, hoping he too would rather I buy a new machine instead of repairing the old one. No such luck.

Mr. A showed up in a timely manner with tools in hand telling me that he thought he would need to order a part and proceeded to write down those all important serial and model numbers. Then he stood up, looked at the machine and proceeded to do this:

The dryer immediately turned on with the temperature setting knob. He even showed me how the washer knob could be pulled off to turn the temperature setting since the "new" on/off knob had been permanently wedged in place. It was funniest thing I ever saw, and I never felt more dumb, although he was very nice about the entire thing. He was ready to leave it at that, but feeling bad about having him come out for nothing, I asked him to go ahead and order me a new knob for the temperature setting. ( Actually, I don't want to spend the rest of the life of this washer and dryer switching knobs back and forth. )

Hopefully the rest of my week goes as simply.


Melanie L. said…
That is fabulous! Sounds like a day in the life of the Leaseburg Family as well.

By the way, Elizabeth is going to start blogging. The internet will never be the same!
That's a CUTE story! :):):)
Chimene said…
I love it when live can be so simple!!!!
Great story:)

MJ said…
Yes, it is funny how we look at life a little differently when a simple solution was evident to someone else! I fear I have this experience all too frequently, especially with mechanical things!
miruspeg said…
I hope the rest of your week goes as simply too Annemarie.

Love how you can make a post about a knob sound interesting!!!

Its all about the little things in life isn't it.

Lots of love
Roban said…
How funny! A similar thing happened to us one time. Our knob was broken, so we had to use a wrench to grasp and turn the little metal part. I don't remember ever ordering a knob, but we have one, and it works now.

Sorry you didn't get a new dryer out of this though. At least you'll have a new knob!

Kristina said…
that kind of stuff happens to me all the time. :)
just remember that someone looking at things from the outside can see a lot more clearly. ;)
Shan in Japan said…
I love it! Another way to solve that problem is to do like we do in Japan, don't use dryers, use clothes lines!:) It does make washing sheets and towels during rainy season a challenge-well, the drying of them anyway.
Yes, the green grass is great!!

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