Farm Day

Yesterday, the kids and I made the trip out to Elm Mott near Waco to the World Hunger Relief Farm for the Farm Day. They had many different activities for the children to enjoy. The following are just a few of the things they had for everyone to do.

(Click on a picture to see it larger.)

This farm house is made of hay bales covered in stucco. It stays cool in the summer and warm in the winter. I was here the first year it opened. It has changed quite a bit over the years, but it has stood up to the test of time. One thing that people might find different is the composting toilet system. Visitors to the loo must cover their deposits with a scoop of sawdust shavings. Oddly enough, even on a warm day like today, there was no odor. Eventually, the compost is collected to be further composted and used on the farm.

People come to the farm as interns to learn how to begin self-sustainable farms in third world countries. These interns return to their home countries to share what they have learned with their villages. This method of each one teach one is much more effective and efficient than going to each individual country to begin these farms.

We enjoyed visiting and will be looking for local ways to be involved in self-sustainable farming. I personally have a brown thumb and can't seem to even grow a tomato or sunflower, but I think it would be fun to get the kids involved with someone who is more gifted in that area. I know they would it enjoy it because it was like pulling teeth to get them off of the farm.


carrhop said…
What a fantastic experience--I need to check this out--what a great homeschool field trip!!

Loved your comment on the Selah--I haven't read that book--gonna have to go find it--sounds like it would be right up our alley with all the language development stuff we talk about all the time!!!

Unknown said…
cute scrapblog about your adventure! Love that veggie guy...and isn't is amazing how poo doesn't really stink when composted?!?
Wendy said…
I love the scrapblog pages! What a neat project. I will be looking into it further. I love learning about something new.
Jan said…
Wow, this is neat. Looks like such fun! And probably great weather at this time near Waco. The apple "creature" in the first picture would be a great craft for Evan when he's a bit older - wonder if I can remember it then????? When do you go to Homecoming?
miruspeg said…
I commented over in scrapblog and found this post very informative.
Regarding getting the kids involved, I think that is a great idea.

Joseph and Charlie love helping in the garden and surprisingly they don't damage many plants....I started teaching them how beautiful plants were when they were about a year old and now they delight in watching the plants grow.

Have a great week, stress-free I hope.
Roban said…
I enjoyed reading the additional information you posted here. This sounds like such an interesting place to visit. I haven't heard of anything like this around here.
MJ said…
Interesting field trip! Glad the kids enjoyed it too! Are you printing off the layouts to decorate your classroom?
Chimene said…
What a great scrapblog pages!!!! Looks like you all had a lot of fun:)
this looks so awesome! What a fun trip!

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