No Witty Title Here

They did it! My brother and his gal tied the knot and I got to be there to witness it. And what a ceremony it was filled with humor and love and a little pirate speak, too. (You had to be there.)

I took a lot of pics, but for some reason many of them came out blurry, so I will share with you various pics  from the 2 day drive there and back and the celebrating while we were there. (In no particular order.)
Our trip started off with a visit to Nostalgiaville. We saw signs for it 30+ miles away and just had to check it out.

Remember these??
I really wanted to spend lots of money here.

We passed through a lot of these on the way to and from NC.

James and Caitlin tolerated a few photos before the rehearsal dinner.

Ever the entertainer.

The girls at the rehearsal dinner.
James and the bride-to-be sharing a toast.

 Don't they look alike? It's funny because they are actually Sisters-in-law.

 The lovely bride.

 Little Man learned about the concept of "open bar" and enjoyed a few too many ginger ales.

 Mom and Caitlin

 The flower girl and helper picking up spilled petals.

The Rodriguez Family Photo - Welcome to the family C.

A visit to the farmer's market in Greensboro didn't disappoint especially with the slew of fried food booths. Fortunately, we had already eaten lunch.

 One last picture with the happy couple after a delicious brunch at the Embassy Suites.

Our last detour was to the town of Metropolis where we stopped to take a picture with a giant Superman. It's funny because we stopped to go to the rest stop and saw a sign for a Giant Superman. After a moment's debate we agreed to to follow the signs. It turned out to be several miles into the town's center. Quite a good gimmick to get people to come off the interstate.

A total of 33 hours of driving 2026 miles (3260km) round trip completed with a hotel stay in both directions was definitely worth it. The kids survived in one piece and I think I only had to threaten to pull the car over once!


congratulations to the newly weds :)
Unknown said…
looks like a great party!
... and very sweet pictures of your beautiful kids to :))

- long drive for you, I had been exhausted!
Cozyflier said…
Ah, what great memories for you and the kids. Road trips.... just can't beat them! Love the pictures. The kids are really growing and Caitlin has the same bone structure as your Mom!

The bride is beautiful!

If that lemonade was frozen, AJ would have been in heaven!

Have a great week!

Unknown said…
It is great live at the sea but lakes are also nice, our last home were in the middle of Norway where we used to take baths in the lakes.
MJ said…
I am soooooo impressed that you survived a 33 hour car trip with the kids! And only threatening to pull over once?! Wowza!

Glad to read you had a great time and are safely home!
Tricia Buice said…
Those are great photos and everyone looks so happy! You logged more miles than me last weekend!
Shan in Japan said…
Looks like great fun! I love those stops that take a little longer than anticipated but end in a cool picture with a giant superman or whatever :)

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