To Simpler Times
...when walking to McDonald's with Caitlin to share a Happy Meal with the three dollars in change I found in the couch was the highlight of the day.
...when playing in the courtyard of our apartment chasing squirrels and watching birds was fun.
...when gas was cheap and I could throw Caitlin in the back of the car and drive for hours looking at the countryside or imagining what it would be like to own this house or that one.
I am not sure how it gets away from you...
...that love for simplicity.
...those carefree days.
...those chaos-free times.
Granted, I probably didn't like getting up at 5:30 in the morning to drive my husband to work just so I could have the car, but in the big scheme of things that was nothing.
As I look at my house, the house I dreamed of having, the house that now has water damage from years of a gutter that just wouldn't drain right, the house that needs new carpet and a paint job....I wonder
...Can you go back to living simply?
...Can you be happy living in a two bedroom townhouse?
...Can you go back to living a day's drive away from your mother?
...Can you be happy being a stay at home mom?
I don't know, but it is something that is looming overhead as moving day draws nearer.
When we move to Missouri, I am unsure what awaits.
...Will I find another job?
...Will I want another job?
...Will selling skin care be satisfying enough (emotionally/financially?)
...Will be able to get along with less?
I am seriously considering staying at/working from home in this next chapter of my life. I have two children who take a lot of time and attention, something I haven't been able to do as well as I would have liked to these past few years.
...Will I stay organized?
...Will I stay motivated?
...Will I like it as much as I think I will?
I hope so.
By the way, Caitlin's self-portrait is an amazing work of art. I can see her illustrating children's books. She's that good.
When your next journey begins these questions will be answered quite simply I am sure.
I wish you all the luck in the world dear friend as you begin your next journey.
Big hugs
Peggy xxxx
Can't you get a part time job if you're in doubt about working outside the home or not?