Summer Is Officially Here!

...But to a Texan, that doesn't mean much. We have been having close to 95-100F temperatures for over a month.

Nonetheless, it doesn't keep us inside. We continue our daily routines and go on excursions armed with hats, water and sunscreen. Like this past weekend where we ventured out to our annual trip to Holland (TX) for the corn festival.

In a recent post, I shared with you some Team Brandi pics, but there still more photos to share from our excursion. So sit right back, get a glass of Texas Tea and cool off while I share our day.

This is what I look like after a day in the heat. It isn't sunburn and I am don't feel bad. It is just what happens to me. People get worried, but I am hydrated and don't feel terribly hot. My poor son has the same affliction. His is far worse as he can't even get in the hot car without immediately sweating. We live with it and try to allay people's fears that we are having heat stroke.
Most Central Texas parades begin with the 1st Cavalry Marching Band. Imagine getting paid to march in a band!
Then there is festival queen's float with her court. Reminds me of a Sandra Bullock movie where she returned to her home town where she had been crowned Queen of Corn and her daughter called her Cream of Corn.
This was new to me, a miniature version of an old Texas bank.
Every Texas parade has horses from the Sherrif's Posse and...A Shriner in a miniature car.

The mandatory John Deere tractors and last but not least,
a good ole Texas outhouse.

After the parade, we headed over to the carnival where the children rode on the following rides.
On the merry go round with one very creepy bunny.
Going up the Ferris Wheel
James favorite, the dragon roller coaster
All to be topped off with this horrific ride that flipped them around and around, but they insisted on riding. I tried to dissuade them by saying we only had 5 tickets left and the ride required 4 per person, but the carnie let both on anyway. I don't think James will want to ride that one for a very long time.

We survived the carnival only $22 worse for wear. The kids had fun, and I got some nice pictures out of the deal. And you got to hear another part of the Victory Saga.

Have a great Saturday.


MJ said…
Sounds like quite a day you had! I haven't mustered the courage to take K or N to a parade or to the carnival ~ mainly because it involves quite a bit of standing which isn't my forte! Your post has encouraged me to make the venture this year! I'm counting down to Norway!!
Roban said…
We share heat-face.... When I play tennis, I turn red as a beet.

Your day looked like a lot of fun. One of Hannah's favorite rides at our fair has been the dragon roller coaster. It was her FIRST roller coaster ride.
Anonymous said…
Love your photo's! And I love your way of writing!

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