A Quiet Place

James was so fascinated by "mountains" when we drove out West, that he made drive toward them.

I pulled over to take pictures, and I guess people don't stop to admire the wonder of where they live, because an old man stopped to ask if I was okay. (Actually, that's not a bad thing since there is NO cell phone signal out there if one truly needed one.)

I just decided to enjoy the scenic view that my son found so amazing.

(PS - This is based on Pencil Lines Sketch #109 over here. My SIStv SISter SassySasha is the guest designer over there this week.


miruspeg said…
Thank you James for reminding your mother how beautiful and fascinating your country is.

One day James I will visit 'this quiet place' and meet you and your mummy and we can go for another drive........

Truly beautiful scrapblog Annemarie.

Roban said…
This is a beautiful page and a beautiful thought to share with us. Today in church, our pastor talked about us being human "beings" not human "doings." That fits in with your idea. Sometimes (more often than I realize) I just need to be in the moment and breath in all that is around me. James is smart! I'm so glad you shared this with me.

carrhop said…
This is so beautiful--the photography, the layout and most importantly, the thought.

Roban said…
I laughed when I read your comment about your rambunctious student being spellbound by the.... posters! How cute. It's also sweet that you joined in with him and helped with the counting. What a nice thing to do!

miruspeg said…
Hey what happened to your irony post, I came back here to comment and it is goooonnnne.

You sounded very passionate about the tobacco, school, drugs, prison and you expressed your feeling extremely well.....anyway just came over to tell you that.

I suppose if I had children and came from a different generation (we all smoked cigarettes and pot) I would feel as outraged as you do.

I did think the tobacco plants near the school and prison was a good example of irony.

MJ said…
Great layout! I particularly like your journalling!

I haven't forgot that I need to post about the award (blush). I'm just procrastinating reading my third Law of the Sea essay on arctic sovereignty. Perhaps I should just procrastinate over to my own blog?!
A Soldier Girl said…
totally in love with your take on the sketch boo bear .. and I am so in love with those pics too
MrsPeel said…
I m ecoing Peggy: one day we will visit you all, it will be an honour to meet you, your beautiful children, your family, and re visit that marvelous country of yours...

I want to thank you also for keeping up with my blog, you give me a lot of support and encouragement...making me feel much better!!!

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