Equal Air Time

Just so one child doesn't get more air time than the other.... Here is Cait's performance at Night of Giving at the local mall tonight - a school night. (Who thinks of these things?.) She is in the back row all the way to the right, or as she would say, "Stage Left, MOM!"

So dance lessons are paying off, Daddy. Now you know that it has been money well spent! :-) Just thought you would like to be able to take part in some of the fun.

For all of you counting, today was a "garden hose free day." Although I did have to chase a naked three year old from the back yard back into the house. At least the weather was not 45F. It was a balmy 70F today. That's Texas for you. If you don't like the weather, just wait 5 minutes. It will change.

Additionally, it got really quiet while I was waiting for this video to post...Why?

Wait for it...here it comes......

Yes, Daddy. Your son is officially Emo, black eyeliner and all.


Roban said…
Awww... the performance was cute. Cait was great! Watching it made me miss those dancing days with Hannah. She took dance for years, but decided to try gymnastics and then cheerleading. (Actually, I always wanted to be a ballerina!) I even bought ballet shoes when a store was going out of business, so Hannah could "teach" me dance. We had fun... although I wouldn't wear a tutu!

A silent house shall not be trusted! I guess it didn't take too long to track down the culprit? He's still a cutie, eyeliner and all!

Shan in Japan said…
Very fun! Thanks for posting the video.
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving! (I believe we had a Thanksgiving meal together once-it was the day I went to three of the four places I was invited!:)
Andre Rodriguez said…
LOL. Well, he DID say he was a princess.
Gary must be so proud. Brings a tear to his eye, I'm sure. :)
MJ said…
K & N were entranced by the performance! K now wants to take tap dancing! Maybe next year?!

They didn't understand what your son was talking about either but then they aren't exposed to a Texan accent often either!
MrsPeel said…
I can't help but imaging Roban in a tutu now! lol
Dancing lessons, great thing. The performance is great. Watch it for, some girls, not all, but it has happened to Sarita, get tired of stuff they were doing before secondary school, and one of my biggest regrets is not having pushed for Sarita to carry one with the dance thing.
But I suppose they have to find their way on their own...I'm only not giving up on the Portuguese classes (from the Consulate of Portugal, they are free) no matter how much she moans, because that will give her a degree, and the piano lessons (which are also free, she has a scholarship)
Anyway: I love your Emo boy!!!! lol
You are one great woman, you know, creative in your SBs, good writer (you alwsys either bring a smile to my face or provoke some thought) and amazing family leader....
I'm so glad I got to come here and read...
miruspeg said…
Cait's performance was great, like you said the dance lessons are paying off.

Hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving and didn't eat too much.

By the way that song Human by The Killers is a really catchy tune.

carrhop said…
Great job on the dancing! And the emo photo made me laugh!!!

Roban said…
You sound too much like me! I just read your comment at Peg's post. I tend to say everything I'm feeling, too. And as for lipstick, I used to keep it on every minute of the day. Now, I give my lips a good swipe in the morning and that's it. (I think teaching has a lot to do with lipstick-less lips!)

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know you're counting down the days...!

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