The Puerto Ricans are Coming!!!

So those of you who know us know that my dad has been severely ill due to complications related to his leukemia treatment. Because of this, he has been in the hospital for almost a month. The strange thing about the whole ordeal has been that some days he is awake and able to talk to use and other times his eyes are open but he can't tell us anything. Right now, he is unable to talk. The problem is the doctors don't know ANYTHING. It is highly frustrating.

Since my dad has been doing so poorly, his brothers and sisters are making their way here to spend time with him and at it is overwhelming. My dad has 11 brothers and sisters and the first one to come was my Aunt Ali, but she had to leave due to other commitments. Next came my Aunt Anna who lives in Connecticut. She and her husband got here yesterday morning. Later that afternoon, my dad's sisters Carmen and Lolin and his brother Tony came in from Puerto Rico.

During this time all the people who know and love my dad started filing in and out of my dad's room. There were people from church, people from Texas Baptist Men, and relatives who technically aren't relatives but love him nonetheless. It was amazing to see how many people love one person....One day I will write about how he has managed to touch so many lives.

I am glad that they are all coming because they help distract my mom by taking her to the dining hall or telling funny stories about dad, but it is hard to have to continually tell each visitor about Dad's status and then watching each person be upset.

Then there is the phone...My Aunt Anna's daughter is back in Connecticut fielding phone calls from the rest of Dad's brothers and sisters, and I am sure it is overwhelming for her. Each time that someone calls her, she calls her mother to tell her, so the phone is ringing off the hook. From what I gather, my uncles Osvaldo, Roberto and Pablo want to come from Puerto Rico later this week. (More people.) That will make 7 out of 11 siblings.

I am glad they are able to come visit, I just wish it was under better circumstances.

I hope this will able be over soon and that dad will be able to come home permanently.


Jan said…
I figured it out - now if I can just remember how to sign in....I'll visit you sometimes!
MJ said…
I'm sorry to read of your father's poor health. I hope his condition improves soon. I'm sure just writing about it is difficult for you so I hope you gathered strength as you wrote down your thoughts. Take care of yourself too!

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