What Happens...

...when you leave the house to buy one of these:
This is my favorite pen for doodling and outlining.
on an empty stomach?

You come home with all this:
While I was out, I had to go to the post office. As I drove back toward Hobby Lobby for my favorite pen, I saw the HyVee grocery store. I had never been to one and really wanted to look inside. It was a food wonderland. All of the goodies that I normally buy for the kids were on sale, the bag of flour was 59 cents and those vitamin waters were 10 for $10. I couldn't resist. As we wandered around, I found a special treat:
Brown goat cheese from Norway. I even got Caitlin to try it and she liked it.

When I got home, I made this delicious sandwich:
This sandwich is made with Panera's Tomato Basil bread (I bought a loaf the other day), tomatoes, English cucumbers, red bell peppers, feta cheese, and roasted red pepper hummus. Mmmmm. The calories in this sandwich come from the Panera bread, but it is oh, so worth it!

Once I had my new pen, I was able to go back to drawing, which led to these:

I guess creativity is contagious because Little Man got in on the fun, asking for scissors so he could make snowflakes.
Yeah, I probably should buy him smaller scissors.

What has impulse buying caused you to purchase?


Roban said…
That sandwich looks so delicious. I love, love, love goat cheese! Love your drawings, too.... As for impulse buying. It happened recently when I went in a store for ONE thing. Let's see, it was fabric for a pillow, but Joanne's was having a sale on rubber stamps, down to $1.99 for a $12 stamp... so I bought several of those, plus a pair of scissors that cuts fringe. Had never seen nor needed scissors like that in the past, but on that day, they just had to be bought.
yummy :)

and once again, those drawings are great.

i also think you have to buy him a new pair of scissors, the smaller one. hehe. he looks cute on that one, though.
MJ said…
The sandwich looked fabulous! Funny, I've never seen any of those food or pen products! I had to blow up the pen to see if it was the same pen you get with the Smash albums!! LOL!

fyi: I bought the girls a "World of Doodles" book each to get them started on doodling. As they didn't understand what I meant by doodling, we popped by your blog to see examples! What a great role model for doodling you are!
Marit said…
Oh my, this makes me hungry!!! It sounds Ɣnd looks delicious! I never can resist a good pen, so yep, that would be my latest impulse buy... pens I didn't need (not immediately anyway...)

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