Making Time to Think Creatively

I have been following The Sketchbook Challenge and Art Journal Everyday so that I will feel encouraged to explore my creativity.

Life has been crazy around here lately, and I haven't had that much time or energy to pull out supplies. I keep a little book by my bed with some Millenium fine point pens and some markers. That way when I feel the urge to create I can grab it quickly.

Here are a few of my favorites from March:

Some are silly





I haven't been able to stretch my boundaries as much as I like. This month promises to be even more ridiculous, but I hope to visit your blogs and see what you have been up to.


Roban said…
Good for you for making time to create. My favorites are the retro owl in tree, the zen, and your girl. So, are your busy days including packing for the move yet?
Rieni said…
I realy love them.
miruspeg said…
Great idea keeping a book by your bed. I have one too, but not for sketching, for ideas for my next blog posts.
I love your sketches Annemarie. They are quite diverse. I hope one day you will be able to devote many many hours each day on your creativity.
Take care and big hugs
Peg xxxxx
Anonymous said…
You drew a hell of a lot more then I did... I did none ;) I absolutely adore the 'retro' and 'experimental'drawings! You go girl!
Andria said…
Hi! I found your blog through Julie's AJED list. I like your drawings...especially the zen, abstract, and experimental. Hope to see more!

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