Another Hijack

Hi! It's me, Caitlin. I've taken over my mom's blog for a little bit and thought I should show you something. I made this little necklace at my aunt's house yesterday because I was bored. I just grabbed a bead from each color section in a little box of beads. When it was done, it was a little rainbow. While I was wearing it, I realized it goes well with almost anything. If you like it, I'd love to know. Mom said I can take a jewelry class sometime.

This is my first step to becoming a fashion designer. I will make more jewelry, so try and keep up with them.



Andre Rodriguez said…
It's beautiful Caitlin. Good job. Wear it proudly.
wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww caitlin!!! that is GORGEOUS!!!! great job! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Rieni said…
I love it, al those gorgeous colours. You did a good job!!!!
mel said…
beautiful necklace caitlin. i love the fall tones! you should take that class, and open an etsy shop!
miruspeg said…
Hi Caitlin
The necklace sure does look beautiful and like you said it will go with any outfit.
I hope you will make me one when I come to visit!
Isn't it fun being creative.
Look forward to your next post Caitlin.
Big hugs
Peggy xxxx
Roban said…
Caitlin, you sound like my daughter. She also would love to become a fashion designer. She draws sketches of clothes all the time!

This necklace is beautiful! I love the colors and how you put them together.... Can't wait to see what else you design!

Anonymous said…
That is a marvelous first step for a fashion designer! I love the rainbow colours... you have it in you to become BIG girl! Go on with it...!!!
Unknown said…
Caitlin, that is one gorgeous necklace! WELL DONE!
chris a said…
Caitlin, your necklace is so beautiful - I used to make and sell jewelry; and believe me, anyone would want and wear this one. You have put the colors, sizes, and shapes together perfectly. Good luck in taking a class.

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