My Mosaic


1. The Annemarie, 2. Buen Provecho !!, 3. cove, 4. Purple fingers, 5. Nicolas Cage leathered up, 6. Chill.NeSs, 7. We ♥ Norway, 8. Untitled, 9. Day 137/365: Lord, I Lift Your Name on High!, 10. The Earth is God's Canvas., 11. Amazona amazonica, Papagaio-do-mangue, Orange-winged Amazon..., 12. El Arco del Triunfo... ¿¿en Valparaiso??

So I was reading Tweets from Twitter pals and heard some sad news about Aleida Franklin - a SISter at SIStv. She passed away yesterday in a car accident. I began going through the bloggers who spoke of her and ran across her blog where I came to find that she would have been a wonderful person to know. Everyone who knew her had nothing but wonderful things to say about her.

Anyway, she had posted a mosaic that she had created on Mosaic Maker through Flickr using the following guidelines that I have copied from her blog:

If you'd like to make one of your own, here's how you do it:

Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr search, using only the first page, choose your favorite image, copy and paste each of the URL’s into the mosaic maker (4 columns, 3 rows).

The questions:

1. What is your first name? (Annemarie)
2. What is your favorite food? (Puerto Rican food)
3. What high school did you attend? (Copperas Cove)
4. What is your favorite color? (Purple)
5. Who is your celebrity crush? (Nicolas Cage)
6. Favorite drink? (Iced Tea)
7. Dream vacation? (Norway)
8. Favorite dessert? (Peanut Buster Parfait)
9. What do you want to be when you grow up? (Debt Free)
10.What do you love most in life? (Children)
11. One word to describe you. (Talkative)
12. Your Flickr name. (Don't have one - I used Victory)

Aleida and I were the same age both with two children and her passing just makes me think about how important it is to live every moment to its fullest. I think she did and her scrapbooking and blogging will give her children the most amazing memories of what seemed to be a wonderful woman.


miruspeg said…
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your comments, it is always interesting to get feedback.

This was a very sad story you posted, I visted Aleida's blog and read some of her is not bloody fair sometimes!

The mosaic is a great idea, I'll get onto doing one shortly.
Your mosaic is very informative and I expected it would be!
Anonymous said…
This is so cool.
I saw this on Aleida blog too and I loved it. I'll have to make for myself.

I'm gonna add you to my twitter. my twitter name is faded jeans if you'd like to follow me.
MJ said…
Colourful mosiac! I have thought of doing it but I'm not organized enough!

Sorry to read of Aleida's passing. This always reminds me that time is ticking and I've got things to do ~ although I'm not always sure what precisely that may be. Happy week ahead!
Roban said…
I haven't been able to access your post about the mosaic and about Aleida until now. I was lazy and stayed downstairs all weekend, and my daughter's laptop wasn't giving me the full page.

It will be fun to try the mosaic maker myself.

That's sad about Aleida. Life definitely should be treasured. It's so sad when it is taken away so tragically and unexpectedly. I always worry about the children... and it really doesn't matter how old they are. The loss is palpable no matter what age it's experienced.

miruspeg said…
I have just finished my mosaic....had a lot of fun deciding on answers and then choosing a watching TV.....but I am missing out on reading.
letti said…
hey, the mosaic looks great.. but what i really wanted to say was.. "THEY HAVE NASI LEMAK IN KILLEEN!!!!!! GGGAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!"
letti said…
hehehe thnx but you don't need to go to that trouble. There is a really authentic South East Asian restaurant here in Abilene ( A Taste of Asia ) where I go on most Fridays with my sis in law after bible class, and I get to indulge in SOME real asian food then :)
carrhop said…
Wow. It does bring it all into perspective, doesn't it, this modern mode of journaling? Thanks for posting this--and love seeing your mosaic and viewing pictures of aspects of you!

So interesting to read your take on your position in your family and how you and your brother fit some of the characteristics!

Roban said…
I love all the colors and images in your mosaic. I finally finished mine a day or two ago (when I should have been sleeping).

Roban said…
So where is Copperas Cove? It sounds interesting....

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