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MJ said…
Okay, you are just showing off and reminding me that I'm a luddite! LOL!
Roban said…
Beautiful shot! Thanks for sharing... although for some reason my cell phone doesn't perform all of the tricks others' do.
McMGrad89 said…
Man, MJ, you made me look up luddite. I had an idea, but I just had to know where it came from.

Anyway, here is an example of knowing just enough about technology to get in trouble. I was really trying to email (to my regular email address) a photo of the flowers growing in my front yard so I could scrap them. My friend Cazjane does all her scrapblogs with a camera phone.

I had no idea I had sent it to my blog. LOL
Shan in Japan said…
Lovely picture!:)

How do you get URLs to link in your blog post? When I put one in through the help blog while I am posting it just shows up as a blank space. Of course, when I just type it in then others can't just click on it to go there. Can you help me?:)
MJ said…
LOL! I enjoyed your reply to my comment to this post! I try to help others expand their vocabulary! I've been a luddite for years!

This term, I am teaching an International Law class in the Political Science Department at a university. Last term, I taught a human rights class. I'm not sure whether I'll be teaching in January.
carrhop said…
I've 'known' you over on Scrapblog--but just saw on someone's comments that you went to school in Abilene--so did I! If I'm figuring out your blog signature, you would have gone to the university across town from mine--and if I'm figuring out the year correctly, we would have been in Abilene in the same time frame. I was on KROQ and then KTLC and was on air at KTAB--I finished my first degree, then worked at those stations as I completed my second.

Enjoying perusing your blog and looking forward to reading more of your posts!
letti said…
hiya, thanks for dropping by :) That was a nice blog you redirected me to - showcasing the independence day celebration in the state of Malacca :)
Jan said…
Hi Annemarie, It was good to see your Myspace request this morning - now I have to figure out how to add you as a friend! My myspace page is the world's biggest loser - seriously - I just created it to follow my daughter's comments and posts about Baby Evan when he was first born. Now she's so busy that she doesn't post - lol! I LOVED seeing your birthday pictures and what a pretty woman you are! It's good to put a face with a name!

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