The Ups & Downs

March is said to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb. Well, if that is so, I would like to see the lamb please, and I don't mean meteorologically. What exactly do I mean?

Well, many of you know I have been on the never ending hunt for a job that will suit my current fiscal needs. I am thankful for the job I have currently, but if I am to move on with my life's plans, there will need to be a significant change in personal income. For this reason, I started applying for teaching jobs back in Texas. Twice now, I have been presented with what I have thought were good teaching opportunities. The latest one was such a sure thing, that I almost rented the moving truck and started calling the rental agency that manages my house and told them, take the house off the market. It's a good thing I didn't because said job was given to someone who had lost her position within the same district and had to be given the job due to contractual obligations. The people who planned on hiring me were very sorry. What a let down. I definitely felt like March's lion had taken his giant paw and gave me a big swipe across my backside. Boy did my pride hurt. So it is back to the drawing table.

In the meantime, I continue to workout at the gym and make new friends and take pictures of my food. So let's focus on that while I let my backside heal and wait for that saving lamb to come and rescue me.

Where to begin...Let's start with these strawberries:
 Mmmmm. Juicy.

 Although much smaller than I have been buying (new on left, older one on the right) they are definitely much sweeter and that makes my quest to eat more fruit much easier to do.

Then we have this fine specimen of a sandwich/wrap:
I am including the nutritional information. It was so delicious, I wanted another and possibly could have had one except I would like to have decadent cheeseburger for dinner tonight.
The numbers mean: 224 cal, 31carbs, 7 gm fat, 15 gm protein. (Calories calculated using

Finally let's wrap this post up with some positivity through art. I regularly receive emails from the Art House Co-op in New York. I love all the different projects that they have to offer, and many of them are free. I recently signed up to participate in a 4x6 swap (sorry registration is closed but there are others.) I pondered what to make and then resorted to my old friend, tissue paper.

First I dropped tan and dark red acrylic paint on aquarelle paper and moved it around with an old credit card. After the paint dried (maybe on completely,) I cut some pieces of yellow, pink and orange tissue paper and used modpodge for paper to glue it down. (That layer DID have to dry completely.) Then I broke out the black and white Sharpie poster markers and
I added some doodles with my Permapaque pen and a white Jelly Roll pen, both from Sakura.

It didn't come out the way I planned, but most of my projects rarely do. It is now wending it's way through the US Mail System to Brooklyn, NY to be swapped with some random artist's 4x6. I can't wait to see what I get in return.

FINALLY...Yes, I know I said I would end with the art, but I have one more announcement to share.

In case you haven't signed up with FEATURING Magazine to get updates on the publication's progress (What are you waiting for??), then listen up. The FEATURING Store is now open and you may purchase a spot on the back of the magazine to display your artwork or order the premiere issue that will be coming out in April. For more information, click here.

Today is a beautifully sunny day and it brings hope of greater things to come. Here's to taking chances.


MJ said…
I concur on the job-search front. I have the same sentiments. Am contemplating the return to practice which is what I hadn't planned to do. Like you, stay tuned!

Meanwhile, your strawberries look wonderful! I am anxiously awaiting the return of the berries! They are coming soon! The snow was melting like crazy today!

Here's hoping that March turns out to be a lamb for both of us!
Marit said…
I'm virtual and gently rubbing your back now dear.... the art you made for the swap is truly beautiful! Now with Mr. Mojo and Mrs. Muse in the corner, I might have the luck they come out to play with me sometime soon to make something similar - the pieces are very inspiring!
Roban said…
Well, your Brooklyn, NY, swap recipient is in for a treat. Lovely art! Good luck on the job search. I'm sure the right position will come along soon.

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