Happy St. Patrick's Day

It was a beautiful day in Missouri today.

We decided to see what Kansas City had to offer us on this day of the wearing of the green. Let me tell you, the "Irish" were out in full force today at the city's 40th annual parade. The streets were packed and EVERYONE had on green. They really go full force in this town even though the majority of people in this neighborhood are not Irish. But on St. Patrick's Day everyone is Irish.
My patient waiters.

We had to park the car pretty far away and take a nice hike through a part of the city that is definitely loaded with "character." We finally were able to scout out a spot where we could lean against a fence since there was no room for chairs by the time we arrived. There were so many interesting people walking by that it made the time up until the parade move quickly. However, being a Texas girl where they do things big even in the smallest of towns, I was a little bored with the most of the parade and left a little early. The best part for sure were the Irish dancers and the bagpipe corps that came through near the beginning.
For some reason bagpipes always make me cry a little.

After leaving the parade, we made our way to a dinosaur expo in Overland Park. I had been hearing about it for several weeks and thought it would make a nice beginning to the kids' spring break. I only had my cell phone with me to take pictures as the memory card in my camera was full with James's 1st grade school performance.

Although the show wasn't as big as I thought it was going to be and they "nickle and dimed" the attendees  in order to participate in the truly "fun" things like the bounce house, face painting, dino golf and such, the kids had fun seeing the different animatronic creatures.

Now the day is winding down and I am looking forward to a relaxing evening of putting my feet up, editing an article for the upcoming premiere issue of FEATURING magazine and maybe finding where I hid the chocolate. (The hunt is half the fun.)


Marit said…
You probably found the chocolate, 'cause the editing job you did was/is fabulous! I had a neighbour once, who played the pipes every day on his balcony (after diner). I can't hear 'amazing grace' anymore because of that... E.V.E.R.Y. D.A.Y. - that sure made me cry in another way you meant in your post ;D
miruspeg said…
St Patrick's Day is celebrated widely in Australia too....the Irish really know how to party!

Thanks for sharing your day with us Annemarie.

Take care
Peggy xxxxx
Roban said…
Other than the lots of walking part, your day sounded like fun. I can't wait to see the magazine!

P.S. I found a stash in the cabinet over our microwave. It's gone now.

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