December Daily 7

I have two cameras. One I can't find, and it doesn't zoom anymore. (That feature broke a year ago this month.) The other camera I lost the USB cable to a LOOOOONNNNG time ago. Now, I can't find the battery charger. Today, I ordered both the cable and charger from In the meantime, I am trying to eek out one picture a day out of the deadish battery so I can keep up with my December photography.

This morning it was 18F degrees, and I just couldn't get warm. Something warm seemed in order.
Oatmeal in my favorite new bowl with my favorite silverware and my currently favorite new place mat.

Stay warm my friends. Stay warm.

NOTE: Just my luck. I have been without that charger for weeks and have looked in every bag and box I could think of. Today, after I have ordered a new charger, I look in the same bag AGAIN and lo and behold, there it was. My camera battery is charging as we speak. As for the USB cable. It has been gone for years. We shall count it lost.


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