Can You Guess What We Are Having?

It was tasty


MJ said…
What a relief! I saw the title, rushed over and wondered, "A boy?" I think GG is more likely correct...
McMGrad89 said…
Bite your tongue, MJ. I wouldn't know what to do with a thirteen year old, a 5 year old and an infant. That factory has closed.
McMGrad89 said…
Yes, MJ. They were great.
Andre Rodriguez said…
Wednesday night burgers!!!! Yummo.
Anonymous said…
Love the above comment from MJ!!!LOL!
Anonymous said…
Tomato, onion and salad... if those are fresh, who needs a burger then?
miruspeg said…
What's for dinner tonight Annemarie. It is now the 25th September.....maybe chicken tonight??
Peggy xxxx

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