Savory Sightseeing

When I began planning my trip to Norway, I scoured the travel books, explored the internet and drilled my Norwegian acquaintances about the many things we would see and do while Peggy and I traveled the countryside. Other than telling myself that I would try whatever was placed on my plate, I didn't think too much about what I would be eating while I was on my vacation. Well, I was delighted by the culinary treats I had on my trip.

I will share with you my Palatable Photos.
Monkfish & Potatoes at Smia

We sat at the table by the window.

Please note the time of evening we are leaving and that it is still light out.
The next day we went to "The Smallest Cafe in the World" where I met Dunna who spoke to on Facebook before I came. I love meeting people in real life. She makes these wonderful waffles with apples and cinnamon in the batter topped with ice cream and chocolate sauce.

That night we met some new friends and enjoyed Chicken Tikka Masala.

The next day we went to Bergen where they had an amazing open air fish market. There were so many fresh fish dishes to choose from but I had to have myself some Fish & Chips. Yum. (Sorry no pic of that - I was too hungry.) We then wandered around the vendors in the rain and came across a cafe called Illy Coffee Bar.
I had to have a dessert...Chocolate filled croissants and apple juice.

Every hotel we stayed in had amazing breakfast buffets, too magnificent to describe.
More than the usual American breads and pastries...pate, caviar, sundried tomatoes, meats, cheeses, eggs, beans, potatoes, fresh fruit, fresh veggies, yogurts, whole grain breads and rolls, etc. This was just one out of 4 or 5 counters.

The next day we drove up the mountain to FlƄm. We stayed at the Fretheim, but we had dinner at the FlƄmsbrygge compliments of Peggy. It was another great buffet of fresh food.

Peggy's attempt at food art. LOL

Our last night in KarmĆøy we met some American relatives of our Norwegian host and enjoyed a meal of prawns and crab with some wine. We left the next day to stay in Oslo for three days.

There we enjoyed more good food including kebab - once again too hungry to remember the camera.

The last night in Oslo Peggy and I went to Tullins Cafe where we shared chicken ciabatta sandwiches and stir fry beef. It was great way to end our trip.

Despite eating a variety of foods and never feeling hungry, I lost at least 8 pounds on this trip from all the walking we did. More about that in another post.


Cozyflier said…
You are so funny! Made me hungry with all the great pics! I would love Norway, I love fresh seafood and I haven't had pate or caviar in years!

Looking forward to more posts.
McMGrad89 said…
Thanks, you really should go. We had such a great time. Oddly enough, I never eat seafood. That's why I had to take the attitude of eat what's in front of you no matter what. Regardless, it was all tasty.
Roban said…
Yummm. I would have called that trip a gastronomical feast, too! And what about that weight? Getting to eat and lose weight at the same time doesn't happen too very often.
MJ said…
Fun post! I look forward to your architectural perspective soon now that the important culinary experience is out of the way!
Great pics!! Glad you had fun! :):):):):):):):):):):)
Unknown said…
mmm, you made me hungry :))
Great pictures!
Happy saturday!
Anonymous said…
Now that's a lovely way to start blogging about your trip - share the food!!!! I'm getting hungry by seeing the pics and reading your comments... I'm glad you eat well AND lost some pounds (I have to take a trip to Norway myself!) I'm glad you're back though... I kinda missed you girl! Enjoy being home again and have a nice weekend!
McMGrad89 said…
Now Roban, where were you when I was coming up with the title. I had the thesaurus out and everything and couldn't come up with enough food references. I will have to store that word in my mental computer.

Marit, I am glad to be back, too. Although, I could have stayed in Norway forever, even with the rain. When you see how I lost most of the weight, you might reconsider.

MJ, thanks for the next post inspiration. I think that may be next, but then again, the nature was outstanding.
Anonymous said…
Lovely food pictures...does look yummy!A great taste of Norway!
Glad you had such a wonderful time in Norway!Good you're back safe and sound!
Rieni said…
great pictures, funny post, and, welcome to the food of Europe!!!

looking forward o your next post

Andre Rodriguez said…
Mmmmmm Chicken Tikka Masala. Not very Norweigan, but delicious just the same. Glad you had such a tasty time.
Tracy said…
DELICIOUS! So glad you had many culinary delights among much else on your trip. There is a bit of a revival of food in Norway. Hotels in Scandinavia offer the best breakfasts! Looking forward to more from your journeys. :o)
ABW said…
I loved the pictures, especially the food. Where's your next big adventure?
McMGrad89 said…
Tracy, we certainly stayed at some good hotels while we were least as far as breakfast goes.

ABW, I am not sure what's next on the agenda. We are still dealing with where we will be living next since Gary's job won't make up their mind of where he will be working. In the meantime, I will still be here working at Hobby.
Stop by my classroom next time you are here.

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