Camera Madness

Recently, my mother asked me to trade cameras with her. She had a digital Kodak camera that belonged to my dad, but she didn't want to use it. I gave her my Olympus camera and I got Dad's.

This is a weird camera. The charger connects to the camera using the same cord that you use to download pictures. I misplaced that cord, so now I have a camera that with a dead battery.

About a week after I misplaced the cord, I checked out a camera from out campus tech. That same day, I locked in a drawer. I was out the following day and lo and behold, when I returned that afternoon, it was gone. The only camera left was a little one that the battery latch pops open on. It was okay though because I just taped it shut.

This was the only camera I had so I took some bluebonnet pictures of my kiddos and some baseball pictures of my son.

Why do I tell you this sad tale? I tell you to explain why the following pictures are blurry because now the little camera no longer focuses properly. Unfortunately, I couldn't tell that while I was taking the pictures.

So here we go. No need to adjust your bifocals. They really are THAT blurry.

Well, that's all for today. We will see if we can find that cord.


Anonymous said…
i hope you find the cord to the other camera.
miruspeg said…
That is a woeful tale Annemarie.
Only YOU would be brave and honest enough to show us blurry photos...LOL.
Hope you have a decent camera by July for our trip.
Peggy xxx

PS Are you sure you hadn't been drinking before using this camera....LOL!
man....that makes me sad that kodak's camera is that bad .... *sigh* what happened to the amazing creator of the camera???? :(

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