The Train Just Keeps on Rolling

Summer is coming to an end and our worlds are coming back to "normalcy." So it is time to share with you all our monthly reflections on our word for the year. With our busy lives, it could be really easy to neglect our words, but AVTCoach's determination to keep the wheel rolling brings us back to our monthly posts. Therefore, it is only fitting that I share her word first.

In August, I recognized the ABUNDANCE of seeing old friends, listening to great music, feeling the cool mountain air, and having a real time phone conversation with a good mate!

I have found that JOY is all around me.... It just takes opening my eyes and heart to really see it and feel it!

Striving for BALANCE between complexity and simplicity, constantly evaluating and re-evaluating the trade-offs I have to make to get there.

Excellence: A process and a discipline, not a destination.

Which ties neatly into mine:
Discipline is setting your eyes on the prize, recognizing what you need to do to get there and removing all obstacles that will prevent you from finishing the race.


Wendy said…
Your blog makes me smile everytime I visit! I am so happy we are all in this together even through the busyness! Have a disciplined and abundant week!
miruspeg said…
Yes "the train just keeps rolling on" and aren't we lucky to be riding this train together.

And in the not to distant future we will all hop in a car and do a roadtrip together.
That is the "prize" I am setting my eye on!

Hope you have an excellent, abundant, joyful, disciplined, balanced week!!

Big hugs
Peggy xxxx
I had to look at your AVT coach's blog to see what it meant. My SIL is a teacher at the Rochester School of the Deaf. God bless you and your family.
Roban said…
This has been fun.... I'm so glad that Coach came up with such a simple, yet perfect, idea for the month! It couldn't have been better.
Debbie said…
I've learned a lot from you all this year with these.
These are FAB! :):):):):):):):)

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