Disciplined Procrastination

This is what I do. Why? Usually because my brain hasn't completely wrapped itself around whatever task I need to tackle. I do other things while one part of my brain processes my assignment. This method has worked for me for years. I tell myself these days that if I were more disciplined, I wouldn't need to put things off, but I have come to realize that some of my best work comes after a time of procrastination.

Case in point: I have known for two months that I would have to turn in a collage about my word for the year. However, I didn't start working on that project until Thursday evening. I went shopping on Tuesday for my materials, but they sat in my trunk until Friday. I didn't even gather the magazines I needed until Thursday evening. I then began cutting out different words and images I thought might be useful. When I finally broke out the other materials from the car, I stared at the blank canvas, not sure exactly which direction I wanted to go.

A Blank Canvas - Very scary

Even after I gathered some more supplies, I still didn't know where I was going.

Finally, I just had to jump in with both feet and start laying stuff down.
After several hours of pasting, papering, cutting and inking, I finally had a finished project.You can click on the picture to see it larger.

This canvas was created as part of my monthly "Reflectng on Our Words" group post. Below you will see the various contributions from the other bloggers in the group.

Miruspeg created a Scrapblog page about balancing desire with persistence.

Flygirl also got out the scissors and paper to show us what she thinks of she thinks about JOY. Doesn't her collage just make you smile?
AVT Coach made a gorgeous mosaic of photos representing Abundance and included the following:
May is a month full of life. Graduations, Weddings, Concerts, Recitals, and Championships. Bike races, Running races, and Horse races. It is a month in Oklahoma for rain storms and twisters. You have to keep your sneakers on to catch up with the action.
May is also "Better Speech and Hearing Month". I'd like to think of it as "Better Encouraging and Listening Month". My blog posts have been absent but my life has been full. I am truly creating abundance one step at a time. Blessing to you as we move into June. What will the next month bring?
Octamom also provided us with an "excellent" collage created at Scrapblog.com

It makes me proud to belong to such a wonderful group of friends. Together we have given each other support and for me accountability while we continue to Reflect on Our Words.


miruspeg said…
It makes me PROUD as well.
And I am especially pleased to know a "disciplined procrastinator"!
U made an AWESOME collage!!!! Its COOL to see paper from U and Donna (flygirl)! :):):):):):):):):):) I think I've only see digi from both of U before!!!!! BEAUTIFUL WORK! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
MJ said…
Great collages! Thanks for sharing them!

I have finally discovered what my word of the year is; I might blog about it. It hasn't been so much about procrastination; perhaps about overlooking or not noticing the word until recently!
Roban said…
I like your post and the photographic journey of your project!

You and I are too much alike. I had to make up our snow day Saturday. When I got home, I could either clean house or play. Play won. (While I had procrastinated with the collage project, this gave me an opportunity to procrastinate about cleaning house!) That's when I began going through magazines and getting the other goodies out of storage for my collage. I am a certified procrastinator, but I totally enjoyed being in the moment while I created my collage.


(Oh, I procrastinate when I have freelance writing assignments, too. Somehow I know just how much time I REALLY need, and I don't give myself a minute more!)
Debbie said…
Just about the only thing I do well is procrastinate!
Anonymous said…
hi there. i love your collage!
i can relate to the disciplined procrastination. i too suffer from that unfortunately.

i've miss reading your blog posts(yours is some really good reading, you know) and i miss you too.

please call me when your craziness slows down. hope you and the fam are having a wonderful summer.
Shan in Japan said…
I, too, am such a disciplined procrastinator! I like the way you describe it. I usually just say I am a procrastinator, but, it is true that I am thinking about the project while I am doing other things.
Love the collages!
Anonymous said…
Great Job, I can so relate to this post!

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