Global Food Crisis Day

One person in seven
• goes to bed hungry every day.

One-third of the world’s population
• is undernourished.

There are
• 25,000 starvation-related deaths each day.

Each night
• more than 300 million children go to bed hungry.

Every day,
• over 12,000 children (one every 7 seconds) die from hunger-related causes.

• 146 million or 27 percent of children under age 5 in developing countries are underweight.

Nearly 17 percent of babies
• in developing countries are born with a low birth weight compared with only 7 percent of babies in industrialized countries.

More than 4.4 million children
• die from malnutrition each year.

• 161 million preschool children suffer chronic malnutrition.

Today is Global Food Crisis Day
Millions are going hungry.

Click here for more information and some powerful videos.

$13 can feed a kid for a month. Please think about clicking the Donate Now Button


Denise said…
An important issue...thanks for promoting it.
miruspeg said…
Yes I agree with Denise this is a VERY IMPORTANT issue and always needs promoting.
A friend and I co-sponsor a child in Africa via World Vision but I am sure I can find $13 a month for this cause.

miruspeg said…
It's just me again.
I have a Freerice link on my blog that I have brought to the top of the blog.
They donate 10 grains of rice to every correct question answered through the UN World Food program to help end hunger.
MJ said…
Sobering stats. Thanks for the reminder.

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