Note to Self

Color Combo Challenge #78

I think I really should have said, "Sometimes you need to STOP and scrap the roses. I haven't had much time to do anything fun due to family obligations, but I decided today that had to just make a little me time. ..... TIMES UP!


letti said…
hey, thanks for dropping by my blog.. yup, it happened about 7 miles out of abilene, at our place.. ooo were they fire ants? HATE those...
Melissa said…
LOL!!! a great idea would be to add it to my site *smacks forehead*. thanks a ton!
Shan in Japan said…
Great reminder:)
I was thinking of you today because after our Bible study at church I walked into the hallway from a very air conditioned room and said, "Ohhh, doesn't that feel good!" It reminded me of the blog you wrote about how you like the feeling of getting into the hot car-me too!

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